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Registering a Template

To get started, you need to create a new template. Use /register followed by the template's name. You can also create an empty template using /generate or the form available here.

This command allows you to create a JSON file with the following (optional) parameters:

  • name: The names of the stats, separated by commas. If a name contains a space, enclose it in quotes.
  • dice: The type of dice to roll, which can include a formula.
  • total: The total number of points players can distribute.
  • character: Makes entering a character name mandatory.
  • critical_success: The value considered a critical success.
  • critical_failure: The value considered a critical failure.
  • skills: Adds fields for skill or attack dice.

You can check template examples in the template files here.


Stats and dice are optional:

  • Without stats, you cannot use the /dbroll command.
  • Without dice, you cannot use /dbd.


There are two types of dice:

  • The dice used with dbroll (the type dice).
  • The dice saved for dbd (the saved dice).

Both types follow the dice-roller syntax and also support various expressions.

When targeting a stat, the method differs depending on the dice type:

  • For type dice, use the $ keyword. This symbol will be replaced by the stat value used in /dbroll.
  • For saved dice, simply use the names of the stats.
  • For a type dice: 1d6>$ or 1d6+$
  • For a saved dice: 1d6 > Strength or 1d6 + Strength

For dice based on a formula:

  • For a type dice: 1d6 + {{ceil($ / 2)}}
  • For a saved dice: 1d6 + {{ceil(Strength / 2)}}

You can also compare using a formula:

  • For a type dice: 1d6 > {{ceil($ / 2)}}
  • For a saved dice: 1d6 > {{ceil(Strength / 2)}}

Saved Dice

You can customize saved dice using different syntaxes:

  • Custom Critical: If you use custom critical with $, the dice name must include the statistic in parentheses, like Animal Instinct (Strength). See the Custom Critical Hits section for more details.
  • {exp}: This syntax allows you to insert an expression directly into the dice, using the computed part of the command.
  • Statistic Name: Allows referencing a statistic directly in the dice.
TypeDice NameReplaced ValueSyntaxExample
Specific StatisticStrengthStrength=201d6 > Strength1d6 > 20
Custom Critical HitAnimal Instinct (Strength)
  • Strength=20
  • Custom Critical: >$
  • 1d61d6>20
    ExpressionCharge Damage3+4{exp}d47d4


    Each stat has a name, a minimum value (min), a maximum value (max), and a combination option (combination).

    • min and max define the minimum and maximum values the stat can have when recorded.
    • combination allows combining multiple stats. This field cannot coexist with min and max, and combined stats will not count toward the total points allocated in the total field.

    You can exclude stats from dice rolls, preventing them from being rolled. This is useful for stats not used in the game or those only utilized in formulas.


    You can define:

    • Basic criticals, linked to natural dice rolls, configurable for critical successes and failures.
    • Custom criticals, which can apply to natural rolls or total results and support formulas.

    By default, criticals are only active for the /dbroll command and display a special message based on the result.

    Basic Criticals

    These are tied to a natural roll and trigger only on equality. The value is configurable, but the displayed message is not:

    • For a critical success: the message will be Critical Success.
    • For a critical failure: the message will be Critical Failure.

    Custom Criticals

    Custom criticals allow specific values to display a personalized message. Unlike basic criticals, custom ones can compare totals or natural rolls and support formulas. They can also apply to skill dice. Up to 22 custom criticals are allowed.

    Custom criticals support the $ wildcard symbol (used for type dice comparisons) to compare against the active stat. You can also use stat names or combine them with other dice.

    Call of Cthulhu

    Reference: Call of Cthulhu RPG Wiki
    In Call of Cthulhu, successes are based on the stat value. The type dice would be 1D100<=$.
    Custom criticals:

    • "Major Success": <=round($/2)
    • "Extreme Success": <=round($/5)

    Skill Dice and Custom Criticals

    Only dice with a comparator will trigger custom criticals.

    When a custom critical uses the $ symbol, the value must appear in the name of the skill dice, enclosed in parentheses.


    For a custom critical with the value <=$, if the skill dice is named Animal Instinct (Strength), $ will be replaced by the Strength stat value if it exists.
    If the name is not found, the comparison will not apply, and the dice will roll normally.

    Additionally, you can combine different stats, formulas, or dice rolls in the name of the dice.


    If the name itself includes a dice roll, it will appear in the dice's comment instead of the result.

    Next Steps

    Once the template is ready, use /register [#channel] [file] (#user_channel) (#private_character).

    • #channel: The channel where the template will be sent, later used for creating character sheets.
    • file: The JSON file you created earlier.
    • #user_channel: The channel where character sheets will be published.1
    • #private_character: Similar to #user_channel, but sheets published here are only visible to the user who created them or those with access to the channel (or users with the MANAGE_ROLES permission). If undefined, the private sheet function will be disabled.
    • ?update: Updates all existing character sheets if they exist.
    • ?delete_all: Deletes all existing character sheets if they exist.
    About Private Sheets

    If a sheet is not marked private but is published in a restricted channel, users can still view it using the /show and /graph commands.

    The embed will be pinned for easy access.



    You must re-register the template if you want to change the default channel for public and private sheets. However, the registered user does not need to be re-registered since the channel and message ID are saved in the database.
    To move all sheets to another channel, use the /export command.


    1. A forum can also be used, automatically creating a post for the character. The player (and admins) will be mentioned in the post.