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Game Master Dice


The two following commands allow game masters to roll dice for any registered players.

  • /gm dbroll (@player) [statistic] (... other option) (*character) (?hidden)
  • /gm dbd (@player) (*dice name) (... other options) (*character) (?hidden)
  • /gm calc (@player) [statistic] [sign] [expression] (... other options) (*character) (?hidden)

All commands are similar to dbroll, dbd and calc, but additionally require specification of the player for whom the roll is being made. As with the other commands, you can choose a character belonging to this player or leave the default choice.

The hidden option only works if hidden rolls are enabled. If the option is set to true, the result will be sent as an ephemeral message, and use the configured channel (if any) to save the results.