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Character sheet


By default, all commands are disabled and must be enabled in the server's configuration panel.

Dice Rolling

The two commands require specifying:

  • character: The character's name
  • comment: Any comments on your action
  • expression: Any expressions defining conditions or modifications (such as advantage or disadvantage), which can include dice rolls, mathematical formulas, statistics names, or even the exact value of the statistic using the $ keyword.

DBRoll (/dbroll)


The dbroll command is used to roll dice for statistics that have been previously recorded, allowing you to avoid remembering the basic characteristics of a character.


/dbroll [statistic] (*character) (comment) (success_threshold) (expression)

The commands require you to choose the statistic to use. It is also possible to specify a success threshold to determine or overrides the success threshold. This threshold is composed by a sign (like >=) and a value. It is possible to combine dice rolls, statistic names, and mathematical formulas in the expression.

dbroll_1 example

DBD (/dbd)


The dbd command allows rolling a registered die.


/dbd [*dice] (*character) (expression) (comment)


Here, the command requires you to choose the die to use. It is not possible to choose a success threshold, although it is possible to specify it in the die itself when registering it.

Calculations (/calc)


The calc allow to realize calculations with the statistics of the character and apply an expression


/calc [statistic] [*sign] [expression] (*transform) (*character) (comment)

The command requires:

  • statistic: The statistic to use.
  • sign: The sign of the operation to perform. Valid signs are: +, -, *, /, ^ (power), % (modulo), / (division), (not equal to), = (equal to), (greater than or equal to), (less than or equal to), > (greater than), < (less than).
  • expression: The expression to apply.
  • transform: The transformation to apply to the final result, including: ceil (round up), floor (round down), round (round to the nearest integer), abs (absolute value), sqrt (square root), or square (square the value). You can combine two transformations, such as ceil(abs()). Additionally, it is possible to use functions supported by mathjs, even if they are not in the list of suggested terms. The allowed function needs to take only one argument (or optionnaly two, but the second won't be set).

It is possible to use the "non ascii" version of the signs, for example >= for or != for and == for =.



The following three commands accept :

  • (@player) : The player's name
  • (*character) : And/or the character's name



/display (@player) (*character)

The display command allows you to view the statistics and dice of a character recorded in the database.


Graph (/graph)


/graph (@player) (*character) (line) (bg) (min) (max)

The /graph command is a "gimmick" feature that generates a graph from a character's statistics. Optionally, you can also specify colors with:

  • line: For lines (default, #0e47b2).
  • background: For background (default, #0e47b2).

Colors can be in hexadecimal or RGB. For example, #FF0000 or 255,0,0.

Finally, you can set a minimum and maximum for the axes with min and max.

By default:

  • The minimum is calculated according to the server template (if existing).
  • The maximum is determined in different ways:
    • If a maximum is defined by the template, it will be used.
    • Otherwise, it will be based on the critical success value.
    • If neither of the two previous options is available, it will be based on the die value (for example, if 1d20, the value will be 20).
    • As a last resort, it will be automatically calculated based on the user's statistics. graph