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Dice rolling & scenes

Dice Rolling


/roll (dice) (?hidden)

You can also use the "semi-direct" notation by adding a comment: /roll (dice comments).

Please note that the "indirect" notation is not available in this mode.


The hidden option only works if the hidden rolls are enabled. If the option is set to true, the result will be sent as an ephemeral message, and use the configured channel (if any) to save the results.

Creating a New Scene


/scene [name] (tempo)

The bot will then create a new thread, prefixed with 🎲, where it will send dice logs. This thread will be named after the scene, and all other threads prefixed with 🎲 will be archived.


The tempo argument allows you to create a "temporal bubble," which will create a thread prefixed with a clock icon, and by default, the channel name will be today's date.