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Sending message

This bot detects dice notation and sends the result using three methods:

  1. Direct Notation:

    • Example: 1d20
    • The "command" message will be deleted, and the result will be sent in the same channel (and in the log). Direct
  2. Indirect Notation:

    • Example: my message content [1d20]
    • The message will be retained, and only the content within the brackets will be rolled. You will receive a response with the result, and the log will be sent in the thread, including a link to the original message. Indirect
  3. Semi-Direct Notation:

    • Example: 1d20 My message
    • The initially found die will be rolled, and the rest of the message will be sent in the log, considered as a comment. Semi-direct

It is also possible to use slashcommands to throw dice, like /roll (see here for more information)