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Display results

Diverses options allows to personalize the display of the dice's results, whether in the save section or in the channel where the throw was made.

Timestamp: timestamp


/config timestamp [?toggle]

If the option is set to true, the timestamp will be displayed in the dice results.


The timestamp automatically adapts to the user's time zone.

Time before deletion: delete_after


/config delete_after [time]

By default, dice roll result messages are deleted after 3 minutes. This command allows you to change the delay (up to 60 minutes) before messages are deleted.

If the value is set to 0, messages will no longer be deleted.

This option is disabled if there is no channel or thread for saving the result.


This command allow to have both the result log in a dedicated channel (or in threads) while keeping the result in the main channel for the players to see.


/config context [?toggle]

Adds a link to the context of the die in the die save.

  • If auto-delete is enabled, the link created will return to the previous die message.
  • If auto-delete is disabled, the link will refer to the die's message directly.

If the context message is deleted, the link will no longer work.

Link to context


This option is disabled if there is no channel or thread for saving the result.


/config save_link [?toggle]

Adds a link to the die backup in the die result message.

Link to backup